Upliftment of the Bricklin Community by providing them with clean drinking water

Upliftment of the Bricklin Community by providing them with clean drinking water

For the past 10 years Don Bosco Jhajjar has been focusing on education, health, nutrition and hygiene of brick kiln children and expanding our development work in the brick kiln communities through various development activities such as bridge education, midday meal, dispensary and crèche services, community gatherings, seminars, discussions, community entertainments, surveys etc. Through this project however, we want to address one of the huge problems that these communities face throughout the year and have very adverse effects on their lives and lives of the children, which is of “the acute shortage of clean drinking water”.

After careful planning, we proposed through this project to supply water for at least 20 brick kiln communities from where the children and community members come to our centres for various educational programmes on regular basis from the government water source which is clean and healthy.  The project is for four years and in the pilot year of the project we aim to reach out to 7 Bhattas, in the first year 3, second year 5 and in the third year of the project we hope to reach out to another 5, thus by the end of the project we will have provided 20 Bhattas with the possibility of clean water. By the end of the project year we hope to have supported directly 20 Bhattas and encourage the Bhatta owners to support these communities by taking over the supply of clean drinking water as part of their duties to these workers. We aim on continuing to supply water from our well and allow them to use the water tank truck as long as it could be used.  This has a lot of benefits like, it will not only offer clean and healthy drinking water free of cost, it will also establish a steady water supply system thus creating in the families a culture of healthy living thus creating a positive environment that will prevent exploitation and neglect.

BOSCO strives on improving the quality of life of the underprivileged and the marginalized brick kiln communities in Passor and surrounding villages. This will enable the children of these communities to grow a healthy and an educated life ahead.