Not only was Nelson Mandela right when he stated, “Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world”; so was Marian Wright Edelman, when she stated,
“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better
than you found it.”
BOSCO Delhi verily understands and believes that in order to live a productive and progressive
life, one need to have education imbibed in them to its core. This is so because Education gives
you a certain required exposure, that opens and broadens your mentality, personality and life
overall, thus, leaving you a better person that you were before. We aim to educate as many
children as possible so that Education brings about a positive change in helping young minds
lead their lives in a more sorted and flourishing manner. BOSCO Delhi runs several projects
across 11 states and 2 union territories, specifically targeting to educate the community that
falls in one of the most poverty stricken areas in the country. By one of the most poverty
stricken areas we mean, the areas where access to a better quality of life is scarce leave alone
the fact of education being prevalent to start with. Although, some may wonder that
Government programmes might be running in such areas, but the work shown on papers and
work done on the ground level, are two different things altogether.
And since BOSCO Delhi has
its Centers in such low-reaching areas, we provide for the best possible Education measures
according to the availability. So, if there are relatively bigger centers and schools in some
particular areas, then students are enrolled and sent to schools. However, if there are simple
small centers, then tuitions and classes are provided. Not just this, since we know, it is another
ball game altogether, to firstly convince the children and their parents to send their children to
study, and secondly, to continue to do so without any drop outs, we have to work on amending
those aspects as well. In order to maintain that, we provide for continuous counseling sessions
to both parents and children, so that the children stick around and complete their education.
Education is the way toward gaining the assortment of learning and abilities that people are
required to have in the society. A good education builds up a basic point of view in addition to
learning accepted facts. It additionally supports intellectual curiosity, which will lead to lifelong
learning. If more and more children and their families understand the value of Education
properly we can surely make a huge difference in the society.