Delhi Province is one of the biggest province comprising of 11 states and two Union territories. With a big area comes huge responsibilities, because among 11 states, seven states are undeveloped states, especially in Chotanagpur areas.
Women Empowerment is one of the prime components for BOSCO Delhi. Due to poverty, illiteracy, the culture of tribal families, superiority of menfolk, broken families, early marriage, etc., it has been a constant challenge for the women to participate in any kind of developmental activities.
For the past few years, BOSCO Delhi has been empowering women and providing many opportunities to participate in different activities like women leadership programs, capacity building programs, income-generating programs, basic read and writing programs, forming Self Help Groups (SHG) in each community and many more.

Many developmental projects and programs have been implemented successfully to empower the women through BOSCO Delhi. Around 4000 to 5000 women have been empowered through various activities and programs. Currently, 700 Self Help Groups (SHGs) are formed and running successfully. 1500 members newly enrolled in Organic Kitchen Garden (OKG) and Micro-Business Project.
BOSCO Delhi has conducted special training programs for women on health and hygiene program to protect them from various infections during menstruation, special awareness programs are given to women during pregnancy, special care programs are given during the birth of the child, etc.
In collaboration with government, BOSCO Delhi has helped women to open a bank account to save money, to have an Adhaar Card and other necessary documents like birth certificate, cards for different schemes etc.