For the love of the Athletic Every sports personality has had a humble beginning

For the love of the Athletic Every sports personality has had a humble beginning

Chotu Ram is a sponsored child, coming to Sahayika School in Jokbahla. He is the youngest of two siblings. He is in class 6th grade and is passionate about athletic, especially for running. 

"I love running," says Chotu Ram. "I especially like it because it doesn't require many people to play it."

He goes onto say, “ goes on to say, “I lacked the confidence to even speak to a single person let alone compete with so many friends, but thanks to BOSCO Delhi’s intervention in my life, I now have the confidence to say no dream is too big.”

The facilities available to children here in the rural setting is limited. Besides in our school, we do not have many options to pursue their passion for the athletic.

Mr. Pascal Tigga, Chotu Ram's teacher in the school says, "Running is an outdoor sport the facilities provided in the school are not sufficient for the children to practice freely. Chotu Ram and others like him, try and make the best what is available for them. 

“It is not the best location for the athletic but it at least gives me a chance practice what I am learning from my teachers," says Chotu Ram. "And have fun at the same time".

Even though Chotu Ram’s village, Behrakhar, is quite far from the school, it takes 45 minutes to walk every day. Waking every day motivated him to participate in running and now it became a strength for him.


Chotu Rammay is not an Olympian yet but he is determined to continue playing athletic no matter where life may take him.

"I want to be an engineer when I grow up," says Chotu Ram

“I know it requires a lot of work but I will put my mind to it and give time for both my studies and running. It’s a passion I won’t give up on,” he ends confidently.